Groups and Clubs

Please click on CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES to access the timetable of current user groups in our Community Centres.


If you are a local group based in Whiston and would like to be included on our website please contact staff at Whiston Town Council on 0151 430 7200.


Boxing Club

Higherside ABC is now based in the Fitness Suite at Whiston Town Hall.  The club caters for children from the age of 11, along with adults of all ages.
For further information, please contact Alex, on 07824 382652.

Children's Clubs   

1st Whiston Scout Group has now been based at the George Howard Centre for a number of years. The group meets on a Tuesday 
   Beavers (Boys & Girls 6 to 7 years)                                                                                                                                                                                                       Cubs - Boys & Girls (8 to 10.5 years) - 6.00 pm to 7.30pm - Main Hall
   Scouts - Boys & Girls (10.5 to 14 years) - 7.45pm to 9.15pm - Activity Hall                                                                                                                                           OXO Explorers Group (15+)

For further details please contact Wes Sloane 07446 839721

Dance Classes

W.I.K.E.D        -  Wednesday -  5.30pm to 8.30pm - George Howard Centre, Main Hall
Street Dance and singing - Every welcome

UNITY MORRIS DANCERS  -  Tuesdays 5.30 p.m. - 8.30 p.m.  Whston Town Hall  See Club's website for more details

Dog Training Classes

Victoria Dog Club  has been based at Whiston Town Hall for many years. The classes are split into three different levels and are held on a Thursday evening commencing at 7.00pm.

The classes are on a six week rota. Anyone interested in bringing their dog along for training are welcome to call in and speak to the club. You will be advised on prices and when the new set of classes is due to begin.

Liverpool Cycling Group
The Cycling Group meet each Thursday evening at 7.00 p.m. at the George Howard Centre.


Whiston Gardening Club has always had strong links with Whiston Town Council. The Club holds an Annual Garden Competition, covering several categories, both large and small-scale.  New members, at all levels of experience, are welcome.  For more information please contact staff at the Town Hall, who will be happy to put you in touch with the Club's representative.

The club has its own website at

Local Parks & Playareas

Here in Whiston we are blessed with a number of beautiful parks and open spaces. The largest open space in Whiston is Stadt Moers Park. The park is looked after by Knowsley Greenspace Rangers who during the course of the year hold a number of events to encourage residents to visit the area and even get involved in projects to improve the park. If you would like to know more about the activities in the park or any of the other activities the Rangers are involved in please contact them on 0151 489 1239.

Along with Stadt Moers Park another lovely park in the area is Henley Park situated near Whiston Hospital. Henley Park has for a number of years been awarded the Green Flag, a national award that shows the park meets a high environmental standard, with improvements being introduced all the time. The park has a play area with climbing frames and natural materials activities. More recently the friends have worked on a sensory garden (near the fire station to the rear of the park) and a maze.  A lovely dog-friendly cafe, with indoor and outdoor seating, is open on a daily basis, serving a variety of refreshments. 

Both these parks have a friends group who meet on a regular basis and hold events to enhance the enjoyment of visitors to the parks.

Friends of Stadt Moers Park have set up a facebook page and you can visit their website at

If you would like any further information about these friends groups please contact the Town Council Office on 0151 430 7200  (please see our contact page).

Foxshaw Close has a small playarea with a wild garden area and it is open daily for the younger ones. (Gate is locked once daylight is fading).

Luncheon Clubs

Lickers Lane Pensioners Club - Monday lunchtime we have many people gathering at The George Howard Centre for the Lickers Lane Pensioners Club Lunch. A nice hot meal is prepared by a wonderful group of volunteers and enjoyed by everyone who comes along. The dinners are at 12.00 o'clock costing £2.00 and, for anyone who wishes to participate, there is a quick game of bingo afterwards.

Friday sees a small gathering of people at the Robert Foulkes Centre, Brook Street. Members are given a three course lunch (soup & a roll, lunch and a pudding) costing £2.50 including a drink. For further enquiries for the Robert Foulkes Lunches please contact staff at the Town Council Office on 0151 430 7200. Please note that should anyone wish to come along for a lunch at the Robert Foulkes Centre they must book their meal a week in advance.


Over 55's Group

There are a number of groups that our more mature residents might find appealing.

Whiston Indoor Bowling Club - Monday and Thursday morning at the Whiston Town Hall is the meeting place for a group of residents to gather together for a friendly game of indoor bowls. Everyone comes along at 10.00am for a few games and a cup of tea or coffee and a chat with friends. New members are always welcome to come along and see if they would like to try a game or two. (£1.00 per session)

BINGO! If indoor bowling is not what you are looking for then how about a game of bingo? It's eyes down every Monday afternoon at the Town Hall at 2.00pm.

Wellbeing & Exercise

A number of groups that have already been mentioned could also fall under this section, dance, martial arts, slimming clubs and some of the activities in the Over 55's Group.

Facing Life and Pain (FLAP) meet at the Robert Foulkes Centre on a Monday and Thursday morning. The group is a self-help group for people who suffer with long term aches and pains. The members are introduced to alternative theropies such as indian massage and relaxation techniques to try out. The sessions also give members an opportunity to chat and socialise.

Miscellaneous Groups & Associations

Sometimes it is difficult to catagorise a group or association. Under this heading we have listed groups such as these.

Whiston Central Group meet on the first Thursday of the month, March to November at the Robert Foulkes Centre from 1.30 p.m.. During each month they invite two speakers to give talks to members on a variety of subjects. Also in a one month period they have a craft evening and a gentle exercise session.

Whiston Village Guild meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month at Whiston Town Hall from 7.30pm (no meeting in August or December). Guest speakers are invited to come along and give talks on their specialised subject. The evening also gives members a chance to socialise and meet new friends. If you would like any further information please contact Audrey Lamont on 0151 489 2007.

Whiston Initiative in Cultural Heritage better known as WICH hold a meeting once a month at the Town Hall. The group is currently involved in the development of memorial building at the Fox Bank Cemetry in Whiston.

Anyone wanting any further information about the group and their fundraising please contact Gerry Halliday on 07958168016. Gerry is currently collating information about the history of Whiston and is very interested in any old photographs and stories from the area and would love to hear from you.

During the summer period some groups may cancel or alter times.

If you require any information please contact Whiston Town Council Staff on 0151 430 7200