Whiston Citizen of the Year Award 2015/2016
Audrey Lamont was the very suprised recipient of the 2015/2016 citizens award. Audrey first moved to Whiston 1957, where she raised her three children. Audrey wanted to be involved with the local community and attended St Nicholas Chruch, where she joined the Young Wives Group and met some life long friends. Many people will remember when the old school building in Whiston Village was a Red Cross building. Audrey spent many happy hours training, meeting people and undertaking many voluntary duties for the Red Cross in the area including the Garden Festival. A Towns Womens Guild was set up in Whiston and Audrey joined with her first duty being to make a cuppa for the other members. Over time the membership dwindled and it was proposed to set up a new independant group with low membership fees and open to everyone regardless of age, sex or background. The Whiston Village Guild was born. Audrey is still a member to this day and has taken on the role of Chairman for many years.
Audrey over the years has also raised money for charities, one of which is breast cancer. People attending the Whiston Summer Shows may have met Audrey and her friends running a bric-a-brac stall and selling raffle tickets. Audrey is pictured here with the Town Mayor Councillor David Williams receiving her award.
Whiston Citizen of the Year Award 2016/2017 - Mrs Gwen Dooley
Gwen Dooley of Cross Lane, Whiston was awarded the Citizen of the Year Award in recognition of the many years she dedicated to a local community groups and local fund raising.
Back in 1973 Gwen was the treasurer of the Whiston and District Community Association and each Tuesday at the Dragon Lane Community Centre (now named Whiston Town Hall) she, with a group of volunteers, ran a weekly bingo which was attended by over 50 people each week. Gwen would ensure there was prizes for the bingo and organise special dances on New Years Eve. All the profits would go straight back to the local community.
Over the years the numbers diminished and in 2004 the weekly bingo closed after 30 years.
Gwen is a very well liked lady and now attends a weekly bingo each Monday at Whiston Town Hall where she enjoys a cup of tea and a chat with friends old and new.
The Town Clerk, staff and Town Council Members would like to express their sincere appreciation for the time and effort this lady has shown to the community over many many years and wish her good health and happiness for the future.
If you know a resident of Whiston who has performed some act or helped in some way to benefit others living in Whiston or any other action, which has achieved success in any field, then why not nominate them for one of the Citizen of Whiston Awards.
You can download and print a form here or forms can be obtained from the Town Council Office, Whiston Town Hall.
Citizen of Whiston Award Nomination Form