Sandra Mayers Town Clerk
Welcome to Whiston Town Council's designed Website. Whiston Town Council is a Quality Town Council. Quality begins with "delighting the customer" and this delight comes from both innovation and continual improvements.
Hence we strive for "excellence through Quality" and firmly believe that we have both the organisational culture and management tools to deliver the Government Modernisation Agenda of public services.
We remain ambitious for the future and will not loose sight of our primary goal "To Serve the Community of Whiston"
I feel now would be a good opportunity to give a brief insight into the background of Parish /Town Councils.
What is a Town Council ?
A Town Council is a Local Authority whose Members are elected by the electors of the area and serve for a period of four years.
What is legislations ?
There have been over 25 Acts of Parliment over the last two hundred years conferring, directly and indirectly, powers on Parish and Town Councils.
How Many Parish and Town Councils are there ?
There are approximately 8,700 Parish and Town Councils in England serving 30% of the population as their direct tier of government. The total budget for these Councils exceeds £50 million, Individual Councils' budgets vary from £100 to £1 million, making Local Councils very different in size and activity.
How are Parish/Town Councils funded ?
The major income for most Parish and Town Councils is a precept, to be raised by the principle authority, as part of the Council Tax. This income is used to improve the quality of life for its community.
If you are interested in local government and want to know more please contact me.
Finally, although I am responsible for the Administration of the Council, this would not be possible without the support, dedication and commitment of both Staff and Council Members.