Do you wish to nominate a Members of the Whiston Community who gives their time freely for the benefit of others?
The nomination can be an individual or group who you believe goes above and beyond to help others.
The Awards Panel are looking for people with exemplary service who have changed things, with an emphasis on practical achievement and who are examples of the best sustained and selfless voluntary service.
It is important that you give as much detail as possible about what your nominee has achieved which makes them stand out against others and make it clear if the achievement is in one area or in a number of different areas.
Whiston Community Recognition Awards
Selection Criteria
Members will discuss the criteria below and then vote YES/NO on whether each nominee/group should go forward for the award. All votes will be counted and if there is a tie those nominee’s will be put forward again and members will choose just one from those nominees who have tied. Voting will continue like this until a winner has been chosen.
- Does the individual or group reside in Whiston?
- Do the actions of the individual or group benefit the residents of Whiston?
- How high is the impact of the benefit on those in receipt?
- How difficult is it to provide such an impact?
- Do the nominee’s / group’s actions help to raise the profile of the Town?
To nominate a group or an individual for an award, please click on the link below to download a form